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Board of Zoning and Appeals
November 4, 2021 @ 8:00 pm - 9:00 pm
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Inc. Village of Plandome Manor will hold a public hearing on Thursday, November 4, 2021, at 8:00 p.m. at Village Hall Located at 55 Manhasset Avenue, Manhasset, New York 11030. Please take further notice that one or more of the member of the Zoning Board of Appeals, may attend this meeting by video conference.
The following application will be reviewed at the meeting:
Application of Stefanos Kilis, 1 Gulls Cove, Plandome Manor, NY 11030 seeking the following variance relief: (1) a variance of §225 Attachment 1 of the Village Code of the Incorporated Village of Plandome Manor to construct a new home with a substandard front yard setback of 28.33 feet, where the Village Code states that a minimum setback of 45 feet is required; (2) a variance of §225 Attachment 1 of the Village Code of the Incorporated Village of Plandome Manor to construct a new home with a substandard rear yard setback of 24.93 feet, where the Village Code states that a minimum setback of 45 feet is required; (3) a variance of Village Code §225-7 Sky Exposure Plane and §225 Attachments 3 & 4 where the sky exposure plane is interrupted in the front and rear yard. Applicant also seeks a determination from the Board regarding the Building Superintendent’s identification of the front of the property. All in connection with the construct of a new 2 story single family home. Property located at 1 Gulls Cove, Plandome Manor, NY 11030. Nassau County Tax Map No. Section 5, Block E, Lot 32. Property is zoned in R-22 Zoning District.
Application of Seth Starr and Laurie Kramer-Starr, 4 Luquer Road, Plandome Manor, NY 11030 seeking the following variance relief: (1) a variance of §225, Section 225-8. B(2) of the Village Code of the Incorporated Village of Plandome Manor to construct a retaining wall that is one foot too high and two feet too close to the property line; (2) a variance of §115-3. (C)(2) to maintain a change in contours of the land by more than two feet within twenty feet of the property line; (3) a variance of §115-3(C)(3) to maintain the placement of more than 50 cubic yards of fill material. Property located at 4 Luquer Road, Plandome Manor, NY 11030. Nassau County Tax Map No. Section 5, Block 72, Lot 666. Property is zoned in R-22 Zoning District.